Wednesday 14 April 2010

Lets begin

This being my first blog, I cannot imagin I am going to get too many people reading this, though that pessimistic attitude won't get me any where it's just what I believe. Generally I am light hearted, which you may of gathered from the start, I am 17 going on 18 with 3 younger sisters and a girl friend of two years (amount of time not age). I am not the perfect man, I cook a little, but all the general comodities of having a good boy friend end there. I am dyslexic (I don't "suffer" from it) so please if there are one or two spelling mistakes try you're hardest to ignore them...

Today has been a very normal day, as you can see this is going to be an exciting blog. I woke up at 11-30 (with my lessons starting at 10 -50) which was my first issue, but I dealt with this situation with a cheese sandwhich. I have just eaten my dinner, which consisted of pasta meatballs and as a little treat I put olives in, hear that, thats the sound of Jamie Oliver quaking in his boots, though I can't imagin any top chef has ever read a blog, I heard its hard to read on top of a high horse, I joke of corse.

I am unsure who will be reading this, age and gender wise, so I won't write about football this time and I won't write about love troubles. BUT I am a big Leicester City follower, im not apart of the asbo army who goes around chanting about how we're the worlds greatest team on the back of a 2-0 loss, but I do like to chant while there. My girlfriend, well they say opposites attract, this is the case, i'm not saying we're entriley different, lets just say Polar bear and a Meerkat have more similarities in looks and probley would argue less, meeting the parent would be awkward, the polar bears parents have high expectations because Paul (the polar bears) brother has made it big, Pooh, I could imagin meeting the meerkats parents would be simples. This is starting to become the ramblings of a mad man, so my dear audience of none speak soon.
Yours faithfully
Bramleys Blog.

While putting labels within this post, it sounded like an episode of skins.


  1. Santa, look at you with a blog ! and you found me, ssh don't tell the others x

  2. AuntieGwen, I cannot use these things, I dont think i can make it to your celebrity blog status. ah well :)
